This Gunpla was based off of the Ghirarga that appears in Mobile Suit Gundam AGE. The Ghirarga's iconic tail, which has been lengthened to 3x its original length, can also be removed to be outfitted as a whip. The clear parts added throughout its entire body alter its silhouette in a grand way.
Product Features
- 5 inches (12.7cm)
- 1/144 scale
- From the Gundam Build Divers series
- Includes Ghirarga Spear and Tail Whip
- Diver Gear display base not included
- Instructions may or may not include English translation
Box Contents
- Pieces to build
- Geara Ghirarga
- Ghiraga Spear
- Tail Whip
- Lead line
- Sticker
- Instructions
Additional Details
Mobile Suit GundamMobile Suit Gundam is a Japanese media franchise popularized by the numerous anime and manga series that take place within the universe of the franchise. With a focus towards giant mecha that are piloted by humans, the space opera franchise is considered by many to contain some of the more memorable sci-fi designed robots and mecha in media. Mobile Suit Gundam continues to be a popular brand and has expanded to a highly successful line of products that include figures and model kits.
High Grade Build Divers (HGBD)Setting the standard for Gunpla, the High Grade level of Gundam model kits provide a great entry point into the Gundam Universe! With a great range of motion and poseability options in 1/144 scale, these model kits provide a wide range of options at affordable rates.
In the future, a new VRMMO called Gunpla Battle Nexus Online has taken the world by storm. Able to upload their own customized Gunpla model kits to the game, players can take control as Gunpla Divers and battle each other for glory. Joining the Gunpla Force Battle Tournament, a young Diver named Riku Mikami joins his friends in battling for the championship even as strange events start to alter and change the virtual world.