HGUC #141 RAS-96 Anksha
During the events of Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn, the Earth Federation employed the RAS-96 Anksha, a Mass Production Transformable Mobile Suit, to defend their massive atmospheric transport ships such as the Garuda. The RAS-96 Anksha is the successor to the NRX-044 Asshimar developed by the Titans, of which it shares its iconic circular Mobile Armor Mode. To reduce production costs, the RAS-96 Anksha adopted many components from the readily available RGM-89 Jegan. These changes give the RAS-96 Anksha an appearance closer to standard Federation Mobile Suits than its predecessor.
The HGUC RAS-96 Anksha model kit includes:
- Shield Binder x2
- Beam Saber x2
- Display Stand