The RGM-86R GM III is the Earth Federation’s most significant upgrade to the GM Mobile Suit program. The Federation used technology from the RX-178 Gundam Mk-II Titans to develop the RGM-86R GM III, allowing some units to outperform the Gundam Mk-II. This added performance made the RGM-86R GM III a staple of Federation forces for almost a decade! The RGM-86R GM III joined the HGUC lineup a decade ago and, like its in-universe counterpart, has been a staple in the HGUC line since its inception.
Here’s what Bandai included alongside the RGM-86R GM III:
- BR-S-85-C2 Beam Rifle
- Shield
- Beam Saber x2
- Missile Pod x2
- Large Missile Launcher x2