MG Turn A Gundam
Based on its appearance in Turn A Gundam, the titular Mobile Suit joins the Master Grade 1/100 scale model kit series! This exclusive and unique model features an opening and closing chest hatch when completed—along with an in-scale Loran Cehack figure that can fit inside the Gundam and, surprisingly, a tiny cow figure.
Product Features
- 1/100 Scale
- Made of PS, ABS, and POM
- Part of the Master Grade model kit series
- Based on the Turn A Gundam anime
- Includes Loran Cehack pilot figure and a cow figure
- Instructions may or may not include English translation
Box Contents
- Pieces to build
- Turn A Gundam
- Hatch parts
- Beam rifle
- Loran Cehack figure
- Cow figure
- Instructions